Martial Art Language
Counting in Japanese
1 - ichi
2 - ni
3 - san
4 - shi
5 - go
6 - roku
7 - shichi
8 - hachi
9 - kyu
10 - ju
Parts of the Body
Ashi - Leg; foot
Atama - Head
Me - Eye
Bo - 6 foot staff
Bokken - Wooden sword
Bisento - A large, very heavy bladed battlefield weapon
Hanbo - 3 foot staff
Jo - 4 foot staff
Ken - Sword
Shuriken - Throwing blade
Tanto - Knife
Parts of the Uniform
Do-gi - Martial arts uniform; pants and jacket
Obi - Belt
Tabi - Split-toe shoe
Aruki - Walk
Henka - Technique variation
Kamae - Stance; position
Kata - A set form of movements to teach a technique
Keri - Kick
Taijutsu - body arts
Taisabaki - body movement
Tobi - Jump
Ukemi - Injury prevention; rolling and breakfall techniques
Waza - Technique
General Vocabulary
Bujinkan - "Divine Warrior Training Hall"
Buyu - "Warrior Friends"
Dan - Black belt grade
Dojo - Training hall; martial arts school
Kunoichi - A female Ninja
Kyu - Below black belt grade
Ninja - A person who studies Ninjutsu
Ninjutsu - The martial art of the Ninja
Sensei - Teacher
Soke - GrandMaster
Hajime - Begin
Mate - Wait
Yame - Stop Direction and Movement
Chu - Middle
Ge - Low
Hidari - Left
Koho - Back; rear
Migi - Right
Omote - Open; obvious
Ue - Up
Ura - Closed; hidden
Ushiro - Back; rear
Zen - Front
Zenpo - Forward direction